Entomologybharsar Students

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  • Entomology is a flexible major that serves as an excellent base for an advanced degree in many other fields, like environmental health, public health and environmental engineering, and also satisfies admissions requirements for professional degree programs like medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry and pharmacy.
  • Medical Entomology for Students FIFTH EDITION Despite numerous scientific investigations on vector-borne human infec-tions such as malaria, filariasis, Lyme disease and typhus, these diseases.
  • To provide you with the most accurate and helpful facts, our Top 10 Most Popular results are based on a combination of program or major graduation data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education, and the popularity of a school on our web site.

At the bachelor's and master's degree level, students complete lab work in the field, while doctoral students complete academic research. Online courses and degree programs are available.

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Individuals majoring in entomology obviously have a passion for insects, and research conducted in the field has surprising implications. The science leads to discoveries relating to insects that are helpful to humans, and those that are harmful to humans and livestock. Entomology graduates may find employment in such areas as the food production industry, crop consulting, the military, health management, or working for public-sector agencies like the Department of Health or Natural Resources.

In order to assist entomology students struggling to pay for higher education, industry groups and other sources put-forth scholarships and grants. Some funding applies to general scientific pursuits, while other efforts are dialed-in more precisely, to individual disciplines like entomology.

These examples are typical of general assistance, and campus-specific financial aid programs aimed at scientific education:

The Izaak Walton League of America

Undergraduate students (juniors or seniors) hailing from anywhere in the United States, and majoring in entomology, are eligible to apply for scholarship funding from the Izaak Walton League of America. Up to two-$2,500 scholarships are awarded each year. The scholarships may be applied toward higher education expenses like tuition, room and board, or books. Other majors also qualify for the funding, which is intended to foster responsible leadership and conservation.

The Entomological Foundation of America

The Stanley Beck Fellowship is offered by the Entomological Foundation of America, to undergraduate and graduate students in the United States, Canada, and Mexico who are pursuing educational credentials in the field. It is geared specifically toward students who are undertaking studies in entomology, despite: physical limitations, lack of financial means, environmental circumstances, or being a member of an under-represented minority group. The amount of funding provided varies from year to year.

BioQuip Products offers an undergraduate scholarship each year. The purpose of the scholarship is to increase awareness and enrollment in entomology programs, at the college level. Scholarships are valued at $2000 each.

Georgia Entomological Society

Graduate students who are members of the Georgia Entomological Society, and majoring in related programs at U.S. colleges or universities, are invited to apply for one of the $500.00 scholarships offered annually. Applicants are asked to submit two letters of recommendation (one from the institution they are attending, and one from a GES member who is a professional entomologist), proof of graduate school status, and a curriculum vitae.

University of Maryland, Department of Entomology

Etomology undergraduates are invited to apply for the University of Maryland Cory Scholarship. Each semester, two students receive tuition credits valued at up to $1,000 each. The awards are designed to recognize the accomplishments of seniors, whose contributions also lead to internship opportunities managed by the department.

University of Arkansas, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences

Several Department Scholarships are offered to entomology majors at the Dale Bumpers College. The school boasts 13 academic majors, and more than twenty minors, which cover related specialties. The amount of funding offered varies for each scholarship, as do the eligibility requirements.

University of Florida

University of Florida Entomology Department offers two full-tuition scholarships earmarked for students completing their last 60 hours of an undergraduate degree program related to entomology. In order to be considered for this source of funding, applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.3 and maintain eligibility requirements while receiving funds..

In addition to a completed application form, qualified candidates are asked to submit official transcripts and two letters of recommendation from college professors.

Purdue University, Department of Entomology

The Department of Entomology offers 15-20 annual scholarships for freshman, continuing and transfer students. The criteria used for selecting recipients varies depending on the award; however, the minimum GPA required is always 2.5. In addition, each applicant's character and level of financial need are taken into account when determining scholarship winners. The amounts awarded range from $500.00-$2,000.00, for each participant.

NEW:Scholarship search engine: fast, free, no registration required. Try it today!

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201. General Entomology424. Insect Ecology

201. General Entomology. (2-2). Credit 3.
An introduction to insect evolution and biology, with a guide to basic insect taxonomy and a survey of the insect orders.

Entomologybharsar Students Discount

208. Veterinary Entomology. (2-2). Credit 3.
Classification, biology and control of insects and other arthropods associated with livestock and poultry production; identification emphasized in laboratory.

209. Veterinary Entomology Laboratory. Credit 1.
Insects and their relatives causation of economic loss, impacts to well-being and transmission of disease pathogens to domestic and companion animals and wildlife, as well as health and well-being of humans through occupational or recreation exposure; laboratory emphasizes identification of major arthropod pests, use of microscopy and dissection equipment.
Prerequisite: Freshman or sophomore classification or approval of instructor.

210. Global Public Heath Entomology. (3-0) Credit 3.
Impacts of insects and insect-borne diseases on public health and well-being around the globe; insect biology, bloodfeeding, and transmission of human diseases; role of insect borne diseases on human history, socio-economic development, and public health infrastructure. Prerequisite: Freshman or sophomore classification or approval of instructor.

285. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4.
Directed individual study in entomology. Prerequisites: Freshman or sophomore classification; approval of instructor and department head.

289. Special Topics In …Credit 1 to 4.
Selected topics in an identified area of entomology. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

300. Field Studies. (3-0). Credit 3.
Integration of principles of animal and plant ecology with environmental factors to characterize wildlife populations. Intensive analysis of specific areas will emphasize either the development of a wildlife management plan or a general vertebrate natural history survey. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with WFSC 300.

301. Biodiversity and Biology of Insects. (3-3). Credit 4. II
Introduction to orders and most important families of insects; order-level morphology and family-level natural history. Prerequisites: 6 hours of biological sciences; ENTO 311 or concurrent enrollment; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

305. Evolution of Insect Structure. (2-3). Credit 3.
External morphology of insects; evolution of form and function.
Prerequisite: 6 hours of biological sciences.

306. Insect Physiology. (2-3). Credit 3.
Physiology of insects; structure and function of internal organ systems and their role in insect success. Prerequisite: ENTO 201 or equivalent.

313. Biology of Insects. (2-3). Credit 3.
Study of the orders and important families of insects and related arthropods, including general biology, relationships with plants and other animals, and characteristics used in identification. Prerequisite: 3 hours of biological science.

315. Biotechnology and Society. (3-0). Credit 3. I.
Understanding the technology and principles of biotechnology; interpreting and communicating biotechnology reports of both popular press and peer-reviewed scientific articles. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

320. Honey Bee Biology. (3-0). Credit 3. II
Introduction of honey bee biology and beekeeping practices to science and non-science majors; honey bees as the model insect to introduce general principles of biology and entomology. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

322. Insects and Human Society. (3-0) Credit 3.
Emphasis on the role insects have played in the development of human cultures; aspects include health, food production and storage, art, music and architecture; overview of historic, present day, and future roles insects will have on environmental movements (green societies), and in underdeveloped, developing and developed societies.

401. Principles of Insect Pest Management. (2-3). Credit 3.
Basic tenets of integrated pest management emphasizing ecological principles; integration of chemical, biological, cultural and physical tactics into an overall strategy for the agroecosystem; chemical pesticides, cultural practices, host resistance, biological control, sterility principle, economics of pest control and pest/host relationships.
Prerequisite: ENTO 201 or equivalent.

402. Field Crop Insects. (2-3). Credit 3.
Application of management strategies for insect/mite pests of small grains, corn, cotton, rice, sorghum, stored products and sunflower; nature and symptoms of damage, life history and habits of common pests. Laboratory consists of pest and pest damage identification supported by field trips.
Prerequisite: ENTO 201 or equivalent.

403. Urban Entomology (2-3) Credit 3, II
Biology, economic importance and control strategies for arthropod pests commonly invading households and commercial structures in urban environments. Laboratory consists of urban pest identification and special presentations and demonstrations covering topics related to urban pest problems and their control.
Prerequisite: ENTO 201 or equivalent or approval of instructor.

423. Medical Entomology (2-3). Credit 3. I.
Biologies, disease relationships and control of insects and other arthropods parasitic on or in humans; aspect of the fields of clinical preventive medicine; survey, collection and taxonomy of medically important arthropods in laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

424. Insect Ecology. (2-3). Credit 3.
Provides basic ecological background with an applied interpretation, emphasizing influences of insect populations and communities on ecosystem processes that influence landscape structure, function and change.
Prerequisites: 3 hours of biological sciences and ENTO 201 or equivalent.

425. Disease Ecology-Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours.
Ecological interactions that influence the distribution and abundance of pathogens, vectors, and hosts ultimately determine the spread of disease; impacts of urbanization, climate change, and other human influenced environmental changes on disease dynamics; integration of disease ecology into pathogen and vector monitoring and comprehensive strategies to reduce disease occurrence.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification, or approval of instructor

Entomologybharsar Students

428. Insect Biotechnology. (3-0) Credit 3. I.
Applications of genetic engineering and biotechnology; specific problems dealing with insects and control of insect pests. Prerequisite: GENE 301 or 315 or 320; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

429. Insect Biotechnology Laboratory. (0-3). Credit 1. I.
Basic technical experience in insect molecular biology and biotechnology, including genomic DNA isolation, PCR, cloning, sequencing and gene manipulation techniques; focus on insect applications for improvement of human and health and agriculture. Prerequisite: ENTO 428; concurrent enrollment in ENTO 428; junior or senior classification.

Entomologybharsar Students Student

431. The Science of Forensic Entomology. (3-0). Credit 3. II.
Explores the science, methodology and technology employed to gather, preserve and present information about insects and other arthropods in such a manner that this information can be used in courts of law as evidence and testimony to help resolve issues of a criminal or civil nature.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.
432. Applied Forensic Entomology. (0-3). Credit 1. II.
Laboratory-based course offering students practical experience using scientific information, methodology, technology and legal procedures inherent to the field of forensic entomology; emphasis on collecting, preserving and identifying information as evidence and expert witness testimony in courts of law. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ENTO 431; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.
435. Problem Solving in Entomology. (3-0). Credit 3. II.
Development of reasoning strategies; investigate a series of entomological case studies; challenges to solving real-world entomological problems as part of a team of investigators. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

450. Caribbean Conservation. (0-6). Credit 2.
Provide students with experience in and appreciation for diverse tropical habitats and the problems associated with conserving these habitats; design and conduct individual research projects on topics of their choice with approval from the instructors on project design and feasibility. Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in ENTO 300 and 451; junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with WFSC 450.

451. Caribbean Research Seminar. (1-0). Credit 1.
Document research activities; keep a journal of activities and research methods during study abroad trips. Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in ENTO 300 and 450; junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with WFSC 451.


481. Seminar. (1-0). Credit 1.
Report of original investigations, current literature and special features of entomology.
Prerequisites: ENTO 201 or equivalent; junior or senior classification.

482. Occupational and Professional Development. (2-0). Credit 2. I
Organized instruction in written and oral communication; acquaint students with private and public-sector companies and agencies as well as leading professionals from these firms to reinforce academic instruction and prepare students for the transition to employment, graduate and professional schools. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. Cross-listed with FIVS 482.

484. Professional Internship (4-0). Credit 1 to 4.
Independent study and supervised field experience related to a professional area of interest in entomology. May be taken two times for credit. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

485. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4. I,II,S
Individual problems for beginners in research. Prerequisites: ENTO 201 or equivalent; junior or senior classification; approval of instructor and department head.

489. Special Topics in …Credit 1 to 4.
Selected topics in an identified area of entomology. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

Entomologybharsar Students
  • Entomology is a flexible major that serves as an excellent base for an advanced degree in many other fields, like environmental health, public health and environmental engineering, and also satisfies admissions requirements for professional degree programs like medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry and pharmacy.
  • Medical Entomology for Students FIFTH EDITION Despite numerous scientific investigations on vector-borne human infec-tions such as malaria, filariasis, Lyme disease and typhus, these diseases.
  • To provide you with the most accurate and helpful facts, our Top 10 Most Popular results are based on a combination of program or major graduation data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education, and the popularity of a school on our web site.

At the bachelor's and master's degree level, students complete lab work in the field, while doctoral students complete academic research. Online courses and degree programs are available.

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Individuals majoring in entomology obviously have a passion for insects, and research conducted in the field has surprising implications. The science leads to discoveries relating to insects that are helpful to humans, and those that are harmful to humans and livestock. Entomology graduates may find employment in such areas as the food production industry, crop consulting, the military, health management, or working for public-sector agencies like the Department of Health or Natural Resources.

In order to assist entomology students struggling to pay for higher education, industry groups and other sources put-forth scholarships and grants. Some funding applies to general scientific pursuits, while other efforts are dialed-in more precisely, to individual disciplines like entomology.

These examples are typical of general assistance, and campus-specific financial aid programs aimed at scientific education:

The Izaak Walton League of America

Undergraduate students (juniors or seniors) hailing from anywhere in the United States, and majoring in entomology, are eligible to apply for scholarship funding from the Izaak Walton League of America. Up to two-$2,500 scholarships are awarded each year. The scholarships may be applied toward higher education expenses like tuition, room and board, or books. Other majors also qualify for the funding, which is intended to foster responsible leadership and conservation.

The Entomological Foundation of America

The Stanley Beck Fellowship is offered by the Entomological Foundation of America, to undergraduate and graduate students in the United States, Canada, and Mexico who are pursuing educational credentials in the field. It is geared specifically toward students who are undertaking studies in entomology, despite: physical limitations, lack of financial means, environmental circumstances, or being a member of an under-represented minority group. The amount of funding provided varies from year to year.

BioQuip Products offers an undergraduate scholarship each year. The purpose of the scholarship is to increase awareness and enrollment in entomology programs, at the college level. Scholarships are valued at $2000 each.

Georgia Entomological Society

Graduate students who are members of the Georgia Entomological Society, and majoring in related programs at U.S. colleges or universities, are invited to apply for one of the $500.00 scholarships offered annually. Applicants are asked to submit two letters of recommendation (one from the institution they are attending, and one from a GES member who is a professional entomologist), proof of graduate school status, and a curriculum vitae.

University of Maryland, Department of Entomology

Etomology undergraduates are invited to apply for the University of Maryland Cory Scholarship. Each semester, two students receive tuition credits valued at up to $1,000 each. The awards are designed to recognize the accomplishments of seniors, whose contributions also lead to internship opportunities managed by the department.

University of Arkansas, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences

Several Department Scholarships are offered to entomology majors at the Dale Bumpers College. The school boasts 13 academic majors, and more than twenty minors, which cover related specialties. The amount of funding offered varies for each scholarship, as do the eligibility requirements.

University of Florida

University of Florida Entomology Department offers two full-tuition scholarships earmarked for students completing their last 60 hours of an undergraduate degree program related to entomology. In order to be considered for this source of funding, applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.3 and maintain eligibility requirements while receiving funds..

In addition to a completed application form, qualified candidates are asked to submit official transcripts and two letters of recommendation from college professors.

Purdue University, Department of Entomology

The Department of Entomology offers 15-20 annual scholarships for freshman, continuing and transfer students. The criteria used for selecting recipients varies depending on the award; however, the minimum GPA required is always 2.5. In addition, each applicant's character and level of financial need are taken into account when determining scholarship winners. The amounts awarded range from $500.00-$2,000.00, for each participant.

NEW:Scholarship search engine: fast, free, no registration required. Try it today!

Scholarships for Physical and Life Sciences Browse Scholarships Resources More Educational Resources
201. General Entomology424. Insect Ecology

201. General Entomology. (2-2). Credit 3.
An introduction to insect evolution and biology, with a guide to basic insect taxonomy and a survey of the insect orders.

Entomologybharsar Students Discount

208. Veterinary Entomology. (2-2). Credit 3.
Classification, biology and control of insects and other arthropods associated with livestock and poultry production; identification emphasized in laboratory.

209. Veterinary Entomology Laboratory. Credit 1.
Insects and their relatives causation of economic loss, impacts to well-being and transmission of disease pathogens to domestic and companion animals and wildlife, as well as health and well-being of humans through occupational or recreation exposure; laboratory emphasizes identification of major arthropod pests, use of microscopy and dissection equipment.
Prerequisite: Freshman or sophomore classification or approval of instructor.

210. Global Public Heath Entomology. (3-0) Credit 3.
Impacts of insects and insect-borne diseases on public health and well-being around the globe; insect biology, bloodfeeding, and transmission of human diseases; role of insect borne diseases on human history, socio-economic development, and public health infrastructure. Prerequisite: Freshman or sophomore classification or approval of instructor.

285. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4.
Directed individual study in entomology. Prerequisites: Freshman or sophomore classification; approval of instructor and department head.

289. Special Topics In …Credit 1 to 4.
Selected topics in an identified area of entomology. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

300. Field Studies. (3-0). Credit 3.
Integration of principles of animal and plant ecology with environmental factors to characterize wildlife populations. Intensive analysis of specific areas will emphasize either the development of a wildlife management plan or a general vertebrate natural history survey. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with WFSC 300.

301. Biodiversity and Biology of Insects. (3-3). Credit 4. II
Introduction to orders and most important families of insects; order-level morphology and family-level natural history. Prerequisites: 6 hours of biological sciences; ENTO 311 or concurrent enrollment; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

305. Evolution of Insect Structure. (2-3). Credit 3.
External morphology of insects; evolution of form and function.
Prerequisite: 6 hours of biological sciences.

306. Insect Physiology. (2-3). Credit 3.
Physiology of insects; structure and function of internal organ systems and their role in insect success. Prerequisite: ENTO 201 or equivalent.

313. Biology of Insects. (2-3). Credit 3.
Study of the orders and important families of insects and related arthropods, including general biology, relationships with plants and other animals, and characteristics used in identification. Prerequisite: 3 hours of biological science.

315. Biotechnology and Society. (3-0). Credit 3. I.
Understanding the technology and principles of biotechnology; interpreting and communicating biotechnology reports of both popular press and peer-reviewed scientific articles. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

320. Honey Bee Biology. (3-0). Credit 3. II
Introduction of honey bee biology and beekeeping practices to science and non-science majors; honey bees as the model insect to introduce general principles of biology and entomology. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

322. Insects and Human Society. (3-0) Credit 3.
Emphasis on the role insects have played in the development of human cultures; aspects include health, food production and storage, art, music and architecture; overview of historic, present day, and future roles insects will have on environmental movements (green societies), and in underdeveloped, developing and developed societies.

401. Principles of Insect Pest Management. (2-3). Credit 3.
Basic tenets of integrated pest management emphasizing ecological principles; integration of chemical, biological, cultural and physical tactics into an overall strategy for the agroecosystem; chemical pesticides, cultural practices, host resistance, biological control, sterility principle, economics of pest control and pest/host relationships.
Prerequisite: ENTO 201 or equivalent.

402. Field Crop Insects. (2-3). Credit 3.
Application of management strategies for insect/mite pests of small grains, corn, cotton, rice, sorghum, stored products and sunflower; nature and symptoms of damage, life history and habits of common pests. Laboratory consists of pest and pest damage identification supported by field trips.
Prerequisite: ENTO 201 or equivalent.

403. Urban Entomology (2-3) Credit 3, II
Biology, economic importance and control strategies for arthropod pests commonly invading households and commercial structures in urban environments. Laboratory consists of urban pest identification and special presentations and demonstrations covering topics related to urban pest problems and their control.
Prerequisite: ENTO 201 or equivalent or approval of instructor.

423. Medical Entomology (2-3). Credit 3. I.
Biologies, disease relationships and control of insects and other arthropods parasitic on or in humans; aspect of the fields of clinical preventive medicine; survey, collection and taxonomy of medically important arthropods in laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

424. Insect Ecology. (2-3). Credit 3.
Provides basic ecological background with an applied interpretation, emphasizing influences of insect populations and communities on ecosystem processes that influence landscape structure, function and change.
Prerequisites: 3 hours of biological sciences and ENTO 201 or equivalent.

425. Disease Ecology-Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours.
Ecological interactions that influence the distribution and abundance of pathogens, vectors, and hosts ultimately determine the spread of disease; impacts of urbanization, climate change, and other human influenced environmental changes on disease dynamics; integration of disease ecology into pathogen and vector monitoring and comprehensive strategies to reduce disease occurrence.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification, or approval of instructor

428. Insect Biotechnology. (3-0) Credit 3. I.
Applications of genetic engineering and biotechnology; specific problems dealing with insects and control of insect pests. Prerequisite: GENE 301 or 315 or 320; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

429. Insect Biotechnology Laboratory. (0-3). Credit 1. I.
Basic technical experience in insect molecular biology and biotechnology, including genomic DNA isolation, PCR, cloning, sequencing and gene manipulation techniques; focus on insect applications for improvement of human and health and agriculture. Prerequisite: ENTO 428; concurrent enrollment in ENTO 428; junior or senior classification.

Entomologybharsar Students Student

431. The Science of Forensic Entomology. (3-0). Credit 3. II.
Explores the science, methodology and technology employed to gather, preserve and present information about insects and other arthropods in such a manner that this information can be used in courts of law as evidence and testimony to help resolve issues of a criminal or civil nature.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.
432. Applied Forensic Entomology. (0-3). Credit 1. II.
Laboratory-based course offering students practical experience using scientific information, methodology, technology and legal procedures inherent to the field of forensic entomology; emphasis on collecting, preserving and identifying information as evidence and expert witness testimony in courts of law. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ENTO 431; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.
435. Problem Solving in Entomology. (3-0). Credit 3. II.
Development of reasoning strategies; investigate a series of entomological case studies; challenges to solving real-world entomological problems as part of a team of investigators. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

450. Caribbean Conservation. (0-6). Credit 2.
Provide students with experience in and appreciation for diverse tropical habitats and the problems associated with conserving these habitats; design and conduct individual research projects on topics of their choice with approval from the instructors on project design and feasibility. Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in ENTO 300 and 451; junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with WFSC 450.

451. Caribbean Research Seminar. (1-0). Credit 1.
Document research activities; keep a journal of activities and research methods during study abroad trips. Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in ENTO 300 and 450; junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with WFSC 451.

481. Seminar. (1-0). Credit 1.
Report of original investigations, current literature and special features of entomology.
Prerequisites: ENTO 201 or equivalent; junior or senior classification.

482. Occupational and Professional Development. (2-0). Credit 2. I
Organized instruction in written and oral communication; acquaint students with private and public-sector companies and agencies as well as leading professionals from these firms to reinforce academic instruction and prepare students for the transition to employment, graduate and professional schools. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. Cross-listed with FIVS 482.

484. Professional Internship (4-0). Credit 1 to 4.
Independent study and supervised field experience related to a professional area of interest in entomology. May be taken two times for credit. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

485. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4. I,II,S
Individual problems for beginners in research. Prerequisites: ENTO 201 or equivalent; junior or senior classification; approval of instructor and department head.

489. Special Topics in …Credit 1 to 4.
Selected topics in an identified area of entomology. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

491. Research. (4-0). Credit 1 to 4.
Faculty supervised research in entomology. May be taken two times for credit. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

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